The Ventrue Lore Ability

in the Camarilla (TM) UK  and Irish Chronicles

This details the new ability Ventrue Lore.
An Index to the Lore Rules of the Clan Ventrue
for The Camarilla Sanctioned Global LARP
Compiled and Edited by Alexis Cruz (Ventrue SST US)

Lore Rules

Ventrue PCs may begin play with Ventrue Lore x3. This reflects a general knowledge and indoctrination of Ventrue histories, traditions, myths, and lineages as well as background information on various individuals and historical figures within the Clan. Beyond x3, all levels must be purchased with XP. Levels x4-x5 require RST approval and levels x6-x7 require Ventrue SST approval.

All other Kindred wishing to learn Ventrue Lore must be taught by a Ventrue with 1 level higher than the level that is being taught. Additionally, all knowledges gained in-game from another may not constitute a full level of Ventrue Lore (ST discretion) as each level of lore has certain information available to it that may not be known save by purchasing the appropriate level with XP.

Levels x1-x3 (DST Approval)

X1) Childer: A very basic knowledge of the Ventrue clan principles and the names of your own lineage. You are taught the Traditions of the Camarilla and know the Ventrue's general relations and opinions on the other 6 Clans of the Camarilla. This knowledge is considered equivalent to what is detailed in TT Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Edition.

X2) Associate: All knowledge is equivalent to TT Vampire: The Masquerade Players Guide 2nd Edition. Additionally, you have learned the traditions and general attitudes (if any) that have been passed down among your lineage. You also know the common names for some of the other prominent Childer of Veddhartha (the 4th Generation) being Khumenes, Nigel Doverspike, and Serena DuBois as they are commonly known.

X3) Neonate [Director]: An overall knowledge of the Clan Ventrue. You can access the Ventrue Clanbook with impunity and this is what you've learned. You also have knowledge of the common names of the 5th Generations and perhaps some of their broods including Noah of Doverspike, Olga Freyasdotter and William childer of Nigel Doverspike. Merentpah, Jafar and Nabis childer of Khumenes. M. Holloway Carpenter (who died a traitor) childer of Serena Dubois. You can access fairly accurate background information about the Ventrue in your lineage up to the 10th Generation and may investigate the commonly known backgrounds of other Ventrue locally up to the 11th Generation by winning a Static Test vs. their Generation (DST discretion). This only applies within one's home Domain.

Levels x4-x5 (RST approval and Test discretion)

X4) Scholar [Junior VP]: You can access accurate information about the Ventrue Clan as a whole and their secret orders dating back to the Renaissance period including having access to the Ventrue Archangel Directorate and full knowledge of it's inner workings (this is usually considered the case if the player is net-active and has access to the Ventrue List, though it is not required). You also have knowledge of the Methuselahs' decendants and the common names of many of the 6th Generation. You can access fairly accurate background information about the Ventrue in your lineage up to the 9th Generation upon winning a Simple Test. You may access the commonly known backgrounds of other Ventrue in your state/province up to the 10th Generation upon winning a Static Test vs. their Generation.

X5) Lesser Elder [VP]: Can access accurate information concerning Ventrue secret orders dating back to the Dark Ages. You can reference TT Vampire: The Dark Ages and The Storyteller Book of Secrets. You may also name most of the Archangel Directorate position holders. You can freely access fairly accurate background information about the histories of your lineage up to the 8th Generation and can name most of the 7th Generation Ventrue. You may access the commonly known backgrounds of other Ventrue within your Region up to the 9th Generation upon winning a Static Test vs. their Generation.

Levels x6-x7 (SST approval and Test discretion)

X6) Historian [Senior VP]. You may access accurate information concerning Ventrue secret orders dating back to the Middle Ages and you know fairly accurate background information about the histories of your lineage up to the 7th Generation. You can also name most of the 8th Generation Ventrue by winning a Simple Test.
You may access the known backgrounds of other Ventrue anywhere within your country up to the 8th generation by upon winning a Static Test vs. their Generation.

X7) Elder [President]: You may access accurate information concerning Ventrue secret orders dating back to the Bronze Ages and you know fairly accurate background information about the histories of your lineage up to the 6th Generation. You can also name most of the 9th Generation of Ventrue by winning a Static Test. You may access the backgrounds of other Ventrue anywhere in the world up to the 6th generation upon winning a Static Test vs. their Generation.

Lore Clarifications

You will notice several patterns in each level's ability to aquire certain knowledges.

* To recite the histories of their lineage becomes increasingly easier. This reflects the PC's immersion into the Lores as he grows more educated.

* Learning the common names of all of the 4th-7th Generations becomes easier but by level x6, knowing the names of the 8th generation and below becomes harder (as these become more numerous and harder to keep track of).

* The PC's the ability to aquire information by Generation increases in scope from 11th gen at Domain level to 6th gen Globally, but it also becomes more difficult to trace the higher generation Ventrue as this scope increases geographically. A 13th Generation named John in another country is harder to locate than a 13th generation named Joe locally. Conversely, an 8th generation named Marcus in Italy might be better known due to his Status. Thus while the scope increases, the player must still make a Static Test vs. the subject's Generation. This also reflects the various research capabilities, contacts made and overall networking by the Ventrue using the Lore.

Storyteller Lores
The following levels of Ventrue Lore is for NPC use only and may not be approved for Player Characters. These lores are restricted to Regional Storyteller NPCs and their use.

Lores x8-x10 [Senior Board of Directors]

X8) Luminary: You may access accurate information concerning the Ventrue dating back to the Second Cycle and you know fairly accurate background information about the histories of your lineage up to the 5th Generation. You can also name most of the 10th Generation of Ventrue by winning a Static Test. You may access the known histories of other lineages and the backgrounds of other Ventrue anywhere in the world up to the 5th generation upon winning a Static Test.

X9) Methuselah: You may access accurate information concerning the Ventrue dating back to the Second City and you know accurate background information about the histories of your lineage up to the 4th Generation. You can also name most of the 11th Generation of Ventrue by winning a Static Test . You may access the known histories of other lineages and the backgrounds of other Ventrue anywhere in the world up to the 4th generation upon winning a Static Test

X10) Master Chronicler: You may access fairly accurate information concerning the Ventrue dating back to the First City. You may access the known histories of other lineages and the backgrounds of other Ventrue anywhere in the world up to Veddhartha upon winning a Static Test. You can also name most of the 12th Generation of Ventrue by winning a Static Test .

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