Richard Wynne


My Record

My Outlook

My Interests

Local Issues

Richard Wynne


Dear viewer

As you may or may not know, I am putting my name forward as a candidate in the forth-coming Castlebar Urban District Council elections, which will be held on Friday June 11th. As it will be my first time to stand for local Government I am going to need your No. 1 vote if I am to be successful.

Castlebar has undergone many changes over the last number of years and our town has grown rapidly as a result. This rapid growth has brought with it prosperity, increased employment, new housing and indeed new commercial development.

It has also shown up some of our inadequacies, for example our towns infrastructure has not been able to keep up with this growth, this has led to problems for the people who live and work in our great town.

Our townspeople need a strong team of urban councillors to keep this development in check and to ensure that where problems are highlighted that they are dealt with promptly & efficiently. The Councillors you elect from all political persuasions need to work much closer with one another as a team effort, than they have done in the past. I want to be part of that team as we head towards the new millennium. Teamwork is what it is all about, and as a member of the Fianna Fáil team, I pledge to work to the best of my ability on your behalf.

Yours Sincerely

Richard Wynne

Vote No. 1 Richard Wynne on June 11th


Fianna Fáil

Fianna Fáil


Castlebar Town

Castlebar UDC

Mayo County Council

Please feel free to Email me your comments and questions.

Castlebar's Millennium Countdown:

Richard Wynne
Tel: 087 6853077