Some favourite sites Next - a summary     Back - to my hillwalking theory
Got a problem - ask a Mad Scientist Useful information on New Age Stuff here Allergies a problem?
You may find help here
Need to eat ?
Cooking info. here
More allergy stuff
The Allergy Lab
This group has to have your support
Male Inadequacy Group
Neil Diamond More Neil Diamond Do you have to ask
Who is Neil?
Got a good idea to make money?
Here's the stuff that never made it
Feel you need a good
Elizabethan Curse or insult
and now for a bit of improbability
for all you sceptics out there!
Rocky Mountain Skeptics Home Page
and even more stuff for you sceptics out there!
The Sceptic Information centre
Would you like to send an e-postcard - to me?
Electronic Postcards 1 
Electronic Postcards 2
Electronic Postcards 3
Gateway to the US
USA Online
and finally, I hope that you all don't think that I belong here
Web Pages that Suck!
More to come?

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Updated: Thursday March 25, 2004