O'Byrne files Humour links Next Back
A good start is
Ben Elton - a favourite of mine

Next stop
Billy Connolly

For those of you with a car;
How to drive like a MORAN
The only cat I like!
Garfield On-Line
If you appreciate some UK humour, have a look here!
UK Comedy
Father Ted, lives on, this is a good site
(Craggy Island Examiner)
I suppose here we have more crazy ideas
Stuff that never made it!
If you've ever had a crazy idea, others have been before you!
Crazy Ideas

Father Ted, more of the Craggy Island stuff!
Unofficial Father Ted Page

I'm not sure anyone can adequately describe this one
Take a look!
The Funnies Archive
Father Ted, more of the Craggy Island stuff!
Unofficial Father Ted Page
A conference for Mad Scientists Extreme Ironing  Whatever takes your interest!

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Updated: Thursday March 25, 2004