Bishopstown Town
suggestions & ideas appreciated. |
(Proposer: Comhairleoir B.
Bermingham Ref. 02/147)
"Acknowledging the enormous growth, in Regional and Citywide Public Services, in
the Bishopstown/Model Farm Road and Wilton areas.
Cork City Council,
aware of the need to balance this growth and consequences, will investigate,
design and report on a Town Centre Concept for Bishopstown based around
the Outpost/Viscount Bars and Dunne’s Stores Shopping Centre.
Such a design will
Be in cooperation with the Bishopstown
Residential and Business Community,
Avoid disjointed and unsuitable developments
into the future
Enhance amenities,
facilities and conveniences - environmental / historical and cultural, for
the benefit of its residents"
Such a design will necessitate A redesign of The Dunne’s
Stores Shopping Centre and immediate surrounding area, iincorporating
some of the following disability
friendly features
Architecturally old world
designed stores of convenience / coffee dock / newsagent /
Possibly - Public Library / Post
Office / Health Clinic / Cinema, etc
Statue of Bishop Dr. Peter
Browne, “founder of Bishopstown”, fronting the Curraheen Road
indicating the heart of Bishopstown.
Lighted Fountain - Garden surround.
Underground parking, creating an attractive
enticing pedestrian ambience.
Marble pedestrian way.
Many other attractive & colourful features.
The motion was submitted to council at its meeting held on Monday 10th June
2002 and referred to
the Planning &
Development Strategic Policy Committee for consideration and report.
J. O’Donovan, Director of Services,
reported that the motion proposed the preparations of a Local
Plan for Bishopstown.
The new City
Development Plan will
consider putting forward overall planning policies for
issues raised in the motion.
also identify areas for which Local
Plans will be prepared.
The Planning and Development Act 2000 states that
a Local area plan may be
prepared for any area which the Planning Authority considers suitable, ‘in
particular, for those areas which require economic, physical and social renewal
and for areas likely to be subject to large scale development within the
lifetime of the plan’ [Section 19(1)(a)]
The Bishopstown area will be considered
in the context of putting together a programme of Local Area Plans.
Our resources are at present
concentrated on preparing the Draft City Development Plan, but it is
hoped to commence preparatory work on Local Area Plans early in 2003.
I ask the members to note the
position and to refer the report to Council for information. J. O’Donovan, Director of Services, Planning
& Development.
Since then I have requested The Director
of Service to engage with Dunne's Stores, key to the making of a Bishopstown
Town Centre, to ensure that opportunities which may exist now are not lost. He
has agreed.
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