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Bishopstown Security Forum

suggestions & ideas appreciated.


Bishopstown Glasheen River Area Neighbourhood Watch -
Brampton Court / Tiffany Downs / Stratton Pines / Woodhaven/
Woodbrook / Donscourt / Sth. Bishopscourt / Cardinal Court.
A public meeting was held

Venue: Bishopstown Community School.
Date: Tuesday 9th April 2002
Time: 7.45pm to 9.15pm

Speakers from the Bishopstown Garda Station included.


Sergeant Freeley.


Community Garda Michael Haydon


Councillor Bermingham said

The Bishopstown Glasheen River flows west to east along the Bandon Road, passing the viaduct and fronting the estates Brampton Court / Tiffany Downs / Stratton Pines / Woodhaven/ Woodbrook / Donscourt / Sth. Bishopscourt / Cardinal Court.

 It facilitates us, residents with an environment pleasing and delightful.
So many people from the greater Bishopstown and beyond treasures it’s walking, jogging and leisure facilitates.
Walking for exercise and leisure, Dog walking, cyclists all delight in its beauty and serenity in the midst of a bussling, traffic gridlocked Bishopstown.

 But, such a pleasant natural facility given to us by the almighty and enhanced by Cork City Council, can become a nightmare, facilitating incidents of vandalism and disorder in our estates in the vicinity of the Bishopstown Glasheen River, unless???

Due to the increasing incidents of vandalism and disorder in our estates in the vicinity of the Bishopstown Glasheen River, a meeting was held to discuss the many issues arising and solutions to be adopted, including the setting up of a combined Neighbourhood Watch, which will relate regularly with the Bishopstown Gardai?


During the meeting on Tuesday 9th April 2002 with residents and Bishopstown Gardai, incidents and possible solutions were identified and considered.

Agreed to further consider these at the next meeting towards the end of June 02.

 What solutions are available?

Bishopstown Security Forum – [BSF] The setting up of a combined Neighbourhood Watch.[NW] meetings held bi-yearly / quarterly - relating regularly with the Bishopstown Gardai? Establish current position and ensuring full information on local incidents where available is given to the Gardai.

1.      The Wood-Haven / Woodbrook / Donscourt / Cardinal Court - ESB walkway / Installing lighting along pathway from …Knock the wall? Total closure?

2.      Alcohol drinks available to underage age, / Check supermarkets sales of alcohol to youths / local Pubs and sales of Red Bull and other stimulants?

3.      Licensing Laws extension unnecessary and should be withdrawn.

4.      Loitering leads to incidents countered by increased Gardai Patrolling.

5.      Woodhaven Green Area, ownership and Gardai patrolling?

6.      Tiffany Downs trees burnings?

7.      Drinking in a Public place On-the-Spot Fines. A number of fines issued

8.      Bishopstown Gardai Station [021-4541012] closed at 8pm, access to Togher Gardai station [021-4962611] closed at 8pm. [Election Issue] access to Togher Gardai station. Raise Bishopstown to Divisional Status.

9.      Environmental Police Unit / under Gardai authority ensuring protection to citizens enjoying amenity / recreational areas

10.  Criminal Damage to cars etc a number of arrests [8] have been made.

11.  Security Camera?

12.  Youth Clubs?