Musical Director

Frank Buckley, B.Mus., B.A., H.D.E. has been Musical Director of the City of Cork Male Voice Choir for over twenty years. During that time, he has produced many musical events with the choir and has brought such distinguished soloists as Dennis O’Neil, Suzanne Murphy, Cara O’Sullivan, Nicholas Folwell and Patrick Power to Irish Audiences.

A part of  the musical landscape in Cork and Munster for many years, Frank was musical director of  the Irish Operatic Repertory Company and later was involved in the founding of Opera South and was a founder member of Kinsale Opera.

Frank is a founder and Artistic Director of Opera Cork. This company was formed in 1999 to provide a vehicle for continuing Cork’s long tradition of the production of opera. Since it’s foundation, Frank has overseen the production of Carmen, Madama Butterfly, Die Fledermaus and La Traviata employing a wealth of international as well as local talent.

Frank’s musical interests are not confined to Opera, however. As Musical Director, he has led the City of Cork Male Voice Choir to numerous competitive successes. He is also renowned for his work with St John the Baptist Church Choir in Kinsale, a feature of which is the fostering of the great tradition of Liturgical Chant.

Frank can be contacted at .

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