The Choir

The City of Cork Male Voice Choir is an amateur TTBB choir founded in May 1968.  The Choir is renowned for its versatility and dedication to good music and good fun. We currently have in excess of 50 members.

The choir’s musical history includes many competitive successes in local and national competitions. Appearances include Middlesborough, Teeside, and the International Eisteddfod at Llangallen, North Wales. We have also appeared on stage in  London’s Royal Albert Hall with other leading international choirs in  “A Night Of A Thousand Voices”.

The choir have been responsible for many enjoyable and memorable major concerts over the years. Soloists such as Denis O’Neill, Cara O’Sullivan, Ronan Tynan and Regina Nathan amongst many others have been engaged by the choir for these events. The choir also support young emerging talent in these concerts where possible.

The Choir’s talent is not limited to concert work and they have appeared in many fully staged operatic productions in recent times as guests of Kinsale Opera and Opera Cork. These shows include Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’Amore, La Traviata, Madama Butterfly and Carmen. They have also collaborated to great effect with Cork’s Barrack Street Band for joint concerts to raise funds for local charities. The Choir have also staged many smaller concerts to raise funds for worthy causes.

As ambassadors for Cork and Ireland, the Choir has travelled far afield.  Recent trips abroad have included visits to Germany, North Wales and Prague.  Their most recent trip was to New York where they marched in the 2004 St Patricks Day Parade.

The Choir has a very busy schedule. with regular appearances at charity, religious and civic functions, fund raising events etc. Rehearsals for all these engagements take place every Tuesday and Thursday night at the choir’s practice room at Sawmill Street.

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