History of Emyvale

The first inhabitants of Emyvale were of the Ui Meith tribe, hence the name of Emy.

However in the 8th century the McKenna Clan arrived and by the 12th century they had established an independent little 'tuath' or kingdom in North Monaghan, which would last for the next 500 years.

Legend tells us that McKenna came from Meath on a hunting expedition as he followed a stag for two days and two nights and eventually killed the prey at Liskenna in the Barony of Truagh. He fell in love with the daughter of Treanor and settled here.

Emyvale is over 3000 years old - a Bronze Age tomb was discovered here in 1959.  Unfortunately, the urn and other artefacts found were inadvertently destroyed.

The McKenna Headquarters was at Tully Fort and Crannog, 1Km east of Emyvale, on the road to Glaslough, and these fortifications remained in position until they were completely destroyed in three successive English invasions - in 1602 (following the defeat at Kinsale), in 1642 and in 1643.  Their final defeat came at the Battle of Drumbanagher (near Glaslough) in March 1688.

The McKenna name has remained the dominant surname in the area ever since.
The most historic monument in the North Monaghan area must be
'The McKenna Cross'
For further information on McKenna Country, Click on the McKenna Coat of Arms.

Coat of Arms

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