
Emyvale Development Association would like to acknowledge the funding received from ADM/CPU through the Programme for Peace and Reconciliation to support the Heritage Project and the Area Audit.

The EDA has continued to represent the area with the statutory bodies and pressed for necessary developments. It has also carried out the following work:

  • Produced Information Leaflets and Brochures on the area.
  • Organise guided tours of the interesting places including the McKenna, Carleton and PEI connections.
  • Visitors who participate in a tour and fulfil the tradition of 'walking across the bridge from south to North' are awarded a Certificate of Honorary Citizenship of Emyvale - McKenna Country.
  • A register of Visitors is maintained.
  • Launched and maintain this Web-site.
  • In Summer 1998 Moira Treanor and Edel Treanor were employed to carry out an Inventory of Memorials in the Cemetery at St. Patrick's Church, Corracrin.

  • In Summer 1999 Amelia Murphy compiled a House by House census of the village and researched previous occupiers of the houses on Main Street. She also set up a database on computer of all Honorary Citizens and useful contacts.
  • Produced and launched an Audio Tape of the Heritage Tour with accompanying literature.
  • Consulted with Monaghan County Council to bring about improvements through the Village Enhancement Scheme.
  • Carried out an Audit of the area to assess the Social, Educational and Economic Needs of the people. The Report was completed on the 31st December 2000 and is summarised here.

The following books on Emyvale have been published:

  • 'A Film of the Mind' - selected poems by Charles McCluskey.
  • 'Emyvale GAA Club - a History' - by Seamus McCluskey (1984).
  • 'Emyvale Leisure Centre Official Opening' - edited by Peadar McMahon (May 1985).
  • 'Emyvale Sweet Emyvale' - by Seamus McCluskey (1986).
  • 'Pairc N.Oilbhear Pluinceid Official Opening' - Emyvale GAA Club (August 1990).
  • 'Emyvale - McKenna Country' - by Seamus McCluskey (1996 and revised 1999).

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| History of Emyvale | Emyvale Today | Prince Edward Island. | William Carleton | Emyvale Development Association. | McKenna Country | EDA Programme | McKenna Cross | Needs Survey