The Association was founded in 1936 by local men - Dr. T.J. Leonard; J.J. Hannigan; P.McEntee; Charles McCluskey, P.C. MCC.; Tom Lawlor, B.E.; Michael Kelly,N.T.; Dr. W.J. Coyne; Dr. Cornelius Kieran; W.H. Swan; Wm. Edwards; Peter Coyle; Joseph Eakin; John McGeough; E.J. Neeson; Joseph Corr; John Walker; J.J. Turley; Stephen McPhillips, N.T.; Walsh; Wm. Kelly; P. Gallagher; T. Coffey and Con Crowley. The original objective was to develop the natural beauty and amenities at Emy Lough, including the construction of a pathway around the lake. However they soon became more involved in the development of the village and surrounding area. Some of the issues addressed were: Street Lighting; Public water and sewerage system; Night Classes in the Technical school; Road maintenance; Telephone Exchange; Housing, etc. They carried out a feasibility study on the possibility of having an 18-hole Golf Course adjacent to Emyvale. In 1968 Monaghan County Council, at the request of the EDA asked Bord Failte to provide signposting for the Bragan Scenic Drive.