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Headfort School

Schools like Headfort that
include the boarding element tend to evoke powerful feelings in the
minds of their young people (and their alumnae). Most boarding schools
used to exude a somewhat Spartan flavour, though that certainly didn’t
stop generations of boarders thoroughly enjoying their time at school.
Now, however, perhaps with the advent of day pupils and the move to
weekly as opposed to full boarding, Headfort is a kinder, gentler place
than the typical boarding school of old. It is more in tune with its
surrounding environment, partly by virtue of the fact that the boarders
mingle on a daily basis with their day-pupil classmates. Headfort’s
pupils can enjoy the best of both school and family life – children can
go home on Friday evenings, exactly when their busy parents will have
the greatest amount of ‘quality time’ to spend with them.
Why boarding? It’s a complex question and the answer contains several
strands. First of all, boarding is fun. Second, companionship is an
essential part of boarding. Third, boarding helps children with the
difficult transition from dependence on parents to assuming full control
of their lives as adults.
Being away from home, living somewhat institutional lives and it’s fun?
Well, it is. Leaving aside traditional boarding school delights such as
pillow-fighting and late night catering, children have a great deal of
fun, whether trying the patience of adults or simply being together.
This may be the kernel of the issue. They enjoy the company of other
children and the degree of control over their own lives that boarding
gives them.
But what about homesickness? Children vary. Boarding will not suit every
child. However, the vast majority of children take to Headfort very
quickly. They get their feet under the table and then start to explore
what is here for them.
A number of important discoveries await our boarders.
First of all, they discover that there are other children, much like
themselves, and that these children too have an agenda. Some degree of
compromise is needed; their wants must sometimes give way to others’.
They discover that adults are sometimes wrong, make mistakes and do not
know everything. In the wider world, adults’ mistakes can lead to war,
pollution, famine and widespread unhappiness. Finally, they discover
that all the certainties that populated the world of the young child
disappear with the clearer vision of the twelve-year-old. Boarding
throws this all into sharp relief and they can make these discoveries in
sheltered surroundings, surrounded by adults dedicated to their welfare. |
For further
information, please contact the Headmaster, Dermot Dix at