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Headfort School

More than half the school
choose to ride as an Extra. We have always offered riding and it is one
of our great strengths. Children learn a great deal more than simply
sitting as a passenger on a pony. Stable management, points of the
horse, and care of ponies are all taught. By the time they leave, many
are very competent horsemen/women.
Children are also taken to occasional Race Meetings and have the finer
points explained to them. Indeed, Punchestown would not be the same
without its annual gaggle of finely-turned-out and well-behaved Headfort
pupils learning to appreciate the sport of horse-racing.
Children ride once a week and there are opportunities to help during
Break. Many children love to help the Montessori nursery pupils learn
how to ride. Riders also visit various arenas around the country, though
we have our own sand arena, thanks to a generous donation from a parent.
We have fantastic surroundings for riding. The estate offers interesting
possibilities for hacking and we have our own Cross Country Course.
We hold a Gymkhana in the summer. Parents and Staff may be seen on
horseback at this event. The Gymkhana is a festive occasion, enlivened
by lunch cooked on barbecues and parents mingling with children and
Staff. There are serious and not-so-serious aspects. Seniors will jump
fences with as much endeavour as Olympians. The little ones have novelty
events, such as Musical Poles or Fancy Dress. The range of skills and
activities that run under the general umbrella of Riding also encourage
children to take responsibility for animals and further hasten their
character development and willingness to help others. |
For further
information, please contact the Headmaster, Dermot Dix at