Letter from the Headmaster
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After Headfort
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Day Pupils
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Games - the Main Sports
Other Games
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Headfort School
Other Games
As well as the main games,
children also play soccer, tennis, rounders and basketball. These games
are played both in the afternoon and during evening Playtime. Soccer is
often played by the very little ones as an introduction to team games.
Tennis coaching is also offered. There are occasional matches in both
tennis and basketball against other schools. There are tennis
tournaments at the end of the summer term for both Seniors and Juniors.
We also have our own squash court and outdoor heated swimming pool for
summer use.
Athletics occupies the children during May and June. We have a Sports
Day, usually early in June, when children compete for athletics cups,
Senior and Junior, in a variety of events. There are running races and
jumps, high and long, as well as novelty events.
For further
information, please contact the Headmaster, Dermot Dix at