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Headfort School

The core Common Entrance subjects – English, Maths, Science and French –
are heavily timetabled. The Science diet includes practical work in the
laboratory once a week, as well as theoretical work and half an hour’s
prep (homework) a week.
We offer French, Latin and Irish. French occupies five periods a week in
the senior school and less at the lower end. Parents are offered a
choice between Latin and Irish. Those going on to schools in the
Republic of Ireland will usually opt for Irish; Latin is the more
natural choice for those going on to schools in the UK.
History and Geography classes meet three times a week for most forms,
Scripture and Computer Studies once. We have been teaching Computer
Studies for twenty years and now feel that it needs a minimal allocation
of time. Initially we taught high-level languages (Basic and Logo). Now
that the computer has made its way into almost every home, there is less
need for classroom time. Children must simply learn to use packages such
as word processing, graphics, and writing for the internet. We are
parsimonious about time on the internet, which has its dangers
(unsupervised internet access is not allowed).
Most forms have a Singing class once a week and everyone has one or two
periods of Art. We have dedicated rooms for Art, Music, Computer Studies
and Science.
The working day is structured so that children should be reasonably
fresh as each section of the teaching day appears. For most of the
morning, children are in classes. The afternoon is devoted to games and
outdoor pursuits. Classes resume after games; the rest of the day is
taken up with studies and Playtime, as well as an evening meal.
The timetable above shows the current Upper VI allocation. As far as
possible, we try to permutate the individual subjects during the day so
that the diet is varied and balanced. Each subject will have half an
hour’s prep once a week, apart from Maths and French, which receive an
hour each. Children in the lowest form do no prep; instead, they have
structured playtime.
Every term, parents have a chance to meet those who teach their children
in a formal gathering at the start of the Exeat weekends. There is also
an annual social gathering, at which parents can meet the Staff less
For further
information, please contact the Headmaster, Dermot Dix at