Experiment No. 2 Oily Divers!! Experiment: To show that different liquids can have different weights and densities. Materials:
You will need:
A jam jar with lid What you have to do: 1) Half fill the jam jar with water. 2) Tilt it to one side as you pour in some cooking oil. 3) Using an eye dropper, put one or two drops of food colouring in. Screw on the lid and watch what happens. Result: The food colouring gently rested on the top of the water - the water's skin. After a short time, it broke through the skin and 'exploded' into the water like a firework or lava lamp!
So, we can conclude that water has a skin and is definately heavier than oil. Now try this - AND NOW: Try this: Syrup is a very heavy and dense liquid. Pour some into a jam jar. Next pour in some water. This will float on the syrup. Now pour some lighter liquid over the water - yes, the oil. You now have three levels of liquid. FINALLY, take it a stage further - pour some surgical spirit (available from chemists) over the oil and note what happens!!
Fourth Class Experiments 7. Slime | 8. Balloon Rockets | 9. Under Pressure | 10. Surface Tension 1 | 11. Surface Tension 2 | 12. Surface Tension 3 13. Find your 'Blind Spot' | 14. Two eyes are better than one! | 15. Some optical illusions 16. and 17. More Balancing | 18. Dissolve an egg in vinegar! | 19. Egg Float | 20. Some Paper Airplanes |