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Mr Ambassador, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to represent the City of Cork as Deputy Lord Mayor this morning.

May I congratulate Cairde Ursula, Martin Krasa and all involved in undertaking such important work in promoting

o       Youth development in confidence building and self-esteem.

o       An appreciation of cultural and racial diversity ----- this of course is very important as Cork’s growing diversity is in the making. All Cork Citizens have a responsibility for justice and fairness in this context. From bi-lingualism to multi-lingualism to inter–culturalism the opportunities and challenges are with us now. Cork society must declare itself intolerant of discrimination from whatever source and insisting on the highest standards of human interaction.

o       I congratulate you for your initiative and dedication to these young people.

o       I congratulate & thank you the Students of St. Angela’s College for participating in the programme and giving of your time to your European friends. It must have been really exciting and educational in the Czech Republic one year ago May 24th – 31st.

o       I hope you are aware of Cork Corporation’s Twinning activities and associated grants to foster the kind of relationships that you are doing

I have your programme of events which is very exciting and comprehensive and certainty your guests will have a true appreciation of Cork City life on departure.


As a result of our EU membership, this generation of Corkonians is privileged in witnessing so much transformation, which is ongoing in this - the Cork Region.

o       Vast improvements in road infrastructure and quality surface so essential for business

o       A culture of enterprise and innovation, in Brewing Electronics, pharmaceutical & health products, manufacturing, technology, finance, and many other services.

o       An excellent infrastructure in sporting, educational shopping and other facilities encouraging many to set up home in this region.

The City is in the throes of change and development but hopefully keeping its charm and prettiness.

We are in a hurry –

o       The renewal of our principle street is about to commence with the completion of the main drainage scheme ensuring crystal clear water

o       The island, the area between the 2 channels of the river Lee is in the process of renewal and part pedestrianisation,

o       New traffic flows,

o       The upgrading and turn about, towards the city of the railway station

o       And most exciting, a major City Dockland development.


To day, enterprise and profit stimulated by European Investment has propelled this region and nation into the top league of world economies, radically reducing indeed near eliminating, the scourge of unemployment, which tore the heart and soul from this City and Nation.

Today Ireland looks the nations of the world in the eye and is making a real contribution to mankind with our wealth, knowledge skills and expertise.

Cork is now a dynamic vibrant European festival city, a provincial capital, economically artistically & culturally thriving, developing and expanding increasingly self-confidant.


The feeling and atmosphere of cosmopolitism grows each day with the film & choral festivals beginning that trend decades ago, to your interaction with your friends from the geographical center of Europe- The Czech Republic.



o       The defeat of Austria-Hungary after the First World War cleared the way for the foundation of an independent state of Czechs and Slovaks (28.10.1918).

o       The Czechoslovak Republic became one of the ten most developed countries of the world.

o       A period of twenty years of democracy and prosperity was ended by the aggression of Hitler's Germany.

o       The conference in Munich and the German occupation in March 1939 brought the end of the independent Czech state.

o       After World War II, the restored republic became part of the Soviet sphere of power.

o       A period of "limited" democracy was ended by a Communist takeover in February 1948. Private property was seized and political and human rights were suppressed.

o       An attempt to change and humanize Communism and to weaken ties to the Soviet Union failed when the Soviet Army invaded the country in August 1968 ending the Prague Spring. I thought that Mr Dubcheck did a great service to his country at that time.

o       The gradual decay of the Communist regime and the Soviet empire, and the mass protests and demonstrations of the Czechoslovak people culminated in the overthrow of the Communist regime in November 1989.

o       Czechoslovak citizens found new freedom - the right to freely form political parties and movements according to one's political convictions.

o       The changes were confirmed by the election of President [Vaclav] Havel. In the 1970's and 1980's he was something of a spiritual leader for the dissidents.

o       On January 1, 1993, the Czechoslovak state was peacefully divided and the independent Czech and Slovak Republics were founded.

o       The Czechs are now completing the transformation of the formerly centralized state system into a parliamentary democracy and market economy.

o       Your country is now a major player in European terms and you desire and deserve to belong to the European Union.

Our country holds the key to an expanded 28 European Union member states, with a common currency and a unified market of over 500 million people.

To date monetary union has facilitated trade between the 12-euro-zone partners.

o       Trade is now cheaper and easier.

o       Interest Rates are lower.

o       Stability with euro-zone trading partners is now assured,

o       Currency crisis a thing of the recent past [1992]

o       Even the weak euro against the Dollar has enabled the recovery of exports from euro land.

Your exchange then coincides with the pending expansion of the European Union – and our referendum on the NICE treaty, will facilitate membership of the Czech Republic.

It is my wish & hope that the Irish people will give a resounding vote of confidence to Europe and to your membership of it, at the dawn of the new currency - the euro. -Thank You.