Ladies + Gentlemen It is with great delight that I represent the City of Cork as Deputy Lord Mayor this morning.
I am grateful of the opportunity of learning about the projects and hoping that this function will be inspirational to the people of cork and the nation and our global village to assist in whatever way possible the Foundation. On reading the briefing notes the trilogy of “Faith, Hope + Charity” jumps out at one
Faith in the dignity of the human individual whose individuality personality and uniqueness is blurred in the teeming masses of humanity that is Asia and the 3rd world is to day.
Hope is the confidence that efforts such as these and other non government organizations will awaken the spirit of Governments and global organizations to stop talking about the Global Village and act in the context of shared responsibility to all our fellow global inhabitants and in particular to share and focus our wealth to those in need.
Charity in the making of ones contribution to this and so many other worthwhile causes according to one means as individuals and nations.
We can add another Value, one of Commitment, a commitment of a combined 35 years in all aspects of 3rd world aid work twelve of which is focused the city of Mother Theresa Calcutta India.
We thank therefore Edith [Wilkins] Maureen [Forrest] Celena [Daly] for spearheading the Edith Wilkins hope foundation focused on the abandoned, those experiencing physical, sexual, and drug abuse and those suffering major diseases TB,Syphills, gonorrhoea hiv and cancer.
Providing long-term home based care for the individual facilitating them the dignity of taking their places in society. In this context Malnourishment, physical strength/exercise, education and personal development ate needs needing addressing.
The Irish Government via Minister Liz O’Donnell has increased its contribution to the 3rd world aid aspayers we welcome this but a wealthy country should continue its contribution
Cork Corporation has twinning relationships with SF Colonge, Coventry,Rennes,Swansea with the intention of VALUE ADDED, Recently we spoke about out role vis-a via our contribution as a ciyy to the 3rd world and as you know the Cork Diosese has a parish in peru and now we have a connection to Calcuta so mayfbe its time
Twinning |