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At the unveiling of new development at Murphy Brewery Ireland

On Wednesday, 2nd. May 2001.

Mr Liston, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to represent the City of Cork as Deputy Lord Mayor this afternoon.

This event coincides with the transformation of the cultural heart of Cork, Blackpool.

From Cork’s North side your company drew very many of its loyal workforce, giving stable employment in a long drawn out depressed economy, of yesteryear.

Your company contributed significantly to the very social structure upon which Blackpool, the North side and Cork City itself rested.

Representing the City then, I would like, to pay tribute to the thousands of workers over the years whose skills and dedication ensured the companies proud tradition and success it enjoys to day as we await the details of a major move to ensure the continuity and prosperity of this plant into the future.


Your noble and proud tradition now merges into the transformation I speak about as evidenced with the £25m Blackpool bypass – the north city link road – benefiting residence and business alike, facilitating prosperity to this region.

Road construction and realignments tend to position and reposition locations - whereas you were “out there” towards Blackpool you now find yourself in the very centre of the City of Cork adding an important landmark on Cork’s historical & tourist trail.

The Cork Region

Your business adds significantly to the local and regional economy in so many ways not least your rate base, the employment generated, your historical presence, the hugh spin offs to other businesses and of course your international brand name HEINEKEN.

This generation of Corkonians is privileged in witnessing so much transformation, which is ongoing in this - the cork region.

Vast improvements in road infrastructure and quality surface so essential for business

A culture of enterprise and innovation, in Brewing Electronics, pharmaceutical & health products, manufacturing, technology, finance, and many other services.

An excellent infrastructure in sporting educational shopping and other facilities encouraging many to set up home in this region.

The City is in the throes of change and development but hopefully keeping its charm and prettiness.

We are in a hurry –

The renewal of our principle street is about to commence with the completion of the main drainage scheme ensuring crystal clear water

The island, the area between the 2 channels of the river Lee is in the process of renewal and part pedestrianisation,

New traffic flows,

The upgrading and turn about, towards the city of the railway station

And most exciting, a major City Dockland development.

Cork is now a dynamic vibrant European festival city, a provincial capital economically artistically & culturally thriving, developing and expanding increasingly self-confidant.

The feeling and atmosphere of cosmopolitism grows each day with the film & choral festivals beginning that trend decades ago to the coming of HEINEKEN in 1983 and onwards to today.


To day enterprise and profit has propelled this region and nation into the top league of world economies, radically reducing indeed near eliminating the scourge of unemployment, which tore the heart and soul from this City and Nation.

Today Ireland looks the nations of the world in the eye and is making a real contribution to mankind with our wealth, knowledge skills and expertise.

This atmosphere of enterprise and competition in Ireland in all sectors of the economy is set to continue and expand giving our business community the opportunities and facilities enabling them to set up, develop and expand to the extent of their ambitions and giving our youth, occupations and challenges in the years ahead.

So despite the recent dawning of an uncertain world economic outlook, moderating growth and inflationary pressures, - increased competition is a key element in an anti-inflationary strategy resulting in increasing efficiency holding costs down and helping to raise productivity.

In this regard the Irish government is committed to abolishing restrictions on pubs and pharmacies and hopefully, Lawyers soon.

Your Company is a major player of the European Union, and this country holds the key to a unified market of over 500millon in 28 EU member states with a common currency as it approaches the referendum on the NICE treaty.

It is my wish that the Irish people give a resounding vote of confidence to Europe at the dawn of the new currency - the euro.

Monetary union to date has facilitated trade between the 12-euro zones partners.

Trade is now cheaper and easier.

Interest Rates are lower

Stability with euro zone trading partners is now assured, currency crisis a thing of the recent past [1992]

Even the weak euro against the Dollar has enabled the recovery of exports from euro land.

We are standing in a brewery complex “par excellence” founded in 1856.

Over the years, as other traditional local & national industries fell victim to international competition and other pressures, brewing in Cork survived, guaranteed by a critically timed rescue operation, which brought the great world-renowned name of HEINEKEN into Cork.

As a wholly owned subsidiary of the world’s second largest brewery, Heineken NV, Brewing in Cork went on to develop and prosper.                                  

This Company to-day is confident of itself

Within this city as one of our great anchor industries,

Within this nation,

Within this European Union competing globally and successfully.

Thankfully, the condition of thirst and the human ability to savour a really good beverage has ensured the continuity brewing at this location, with products whose names is linked to Ireland and the City of Cork “Murphy’s” and since 1983 “HEINEKEN”

I want, on behalf of Cork Corporation and all the people of Cork to pay tribute to Heineken for its commitment to cork.

May I wish the company the best of prosperity in the years ahead? 


Thank you.                         


