09 May. 01Deputies, Councillors Principals, Ladies & GentlemenIt is indeed a personal joy for me to represent the City of Cork as Deputy Lord Mayor at this Knocknaheeny annual awards night.Having spent 10 years directly contributing to the educational advancement of so many youths during the eighties and early nineties, and meeting many of them regularly, I am, as all teachers are, justifiable entitled to be proud, of our contribution to the development of those boys and girls – in all walks of life, happy, energetic and successful - now men and women and daddies and mammies.So to all the Principals, and teachers in the schools represented here to night over the years, many thanks from the community and all you’re past pupils.Again, as Adult Education Organiser over the years, I found it of particular joy to meet many of these youths continuing their education at these award night celebrations.To night is about recognising all those who participated in Adult & Community Education during the past year. In this learning neighbourhood. Cork City North West – Holly hill, Knocknaheeny Church field.Its about saying well done, as you completed courses is such a variety of topics and subjectsLiteracy- Creative Writing, Art & crafts, Personal Development, Exercise & Dance, Health, Languages, Maths and so, so many others.Many of you may have participated in more the one such course and this is excellent, for you are discovering yourself, your interests, your talents / abilities and which topic area you would like to know more about, moving on to NCVA level 1, maybe 11, maybe 111, maybe Junior /leaving Certificate, maybe Cork Institute of Technology or University College Cork or maybe none of these, but rather to deepen you knowledge for its own sake as part of your personal growth.We are learning & growing all the time. Over a life span, not just the early years - and in this Learning neighbourhood we are facilitated in so doing with quality learning services meeting diverse needs of very many people in a wide variety of settings rooted in and of the community, empowering both you as an individual and your community.May I thank all those involved with community education - Literacy, the Family Resource Centre, The Home School Liaison Service, Traveller, Older Persons, and Disability education?Great personalities and educational construction workers have moved on - Clare Hunt, Ursula Mulvihill, Sr. Mairead, St Francis to name but a few that I had frequent contact with.Community Education has played a vital partØ In the generation of voluntary organisations educational & otherwise in the area.Ø In fostering its community spirit.Ø In facilitating the people with a sense of pride and belief in themselves.The task of Community Education into the future is to take up the new set of challenges in maintaining and uplifting the existing service, as this community comes to grips with the…Exciting Knocknaheeny Master Plan aspiring to the radical redevelopment of Knocknaheeny / Hollyhill.
What is itFollowing the calling for a comprehensive programme of renewal and regeneration in co-operation with the local community & statutory Bodies the plan aimsTo create an exciting dynamic and lovely neighbourhood in an integrated way for the social economic and physical renewal of this area in its totality and embracing…A rapid housing refurbishment programme,A new neighbourhood centre & town hall, giving a real focal point on the existing commercial centre and school with mixed-use development.A community centre accommodating a family resource centre, clinic, pharmacy, club and meeting rooms.Social and childcare services throughout the neighbourhood with Crèche facilities and facilities for the older populationA sports centre in the vicinity of the water tower linking to schools, youth projects and existing leisure facilities.Employment enterprise zones and the start up of small to medium size labour intensive businesses, creating jobs and promoting investment.This is long overdue to harness the economic revival apparent in Cork and to follow up and build on the success of Apple computers and other industries.The road network will have a distinctive character. They will be designed with footpaths and landscaped verges protecting the footpath from the road.Well-located street parking provided throughout the estates.The main route through the area will incorporate cycleways to connect the city via Hollyhill Road/Strawberry Hill and Cathedral Road.Harbour View Road will be radically altered by means of traffic calming measures and the introduction of a boulevard of trees in the centre of the road.Public transport routes, terminals and stops will be located over time to coincide with new local centres as they develop.But to night of course we are very interested in what the plan says on education.It states its objective is to improve access to education for all levels from eleven years of age to adult training byØ Strengthening the support the primary school provides to children and families.Ø Promote a learning neighbourhood centre at this location catering for lifelong Learning i.e. all ages and creating links with business interests and third level education.Ø Providing at least six crèches, which are deemed necessary to cater for the present and future needs and age profile.
These are indeed exciting times
Ø May I wish all those involved in community education in this Learning Neighbourhood the very best into the future? |