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~ Dear Diary --:  
On May 16th. I went home with Adam. 
I had my head poking out of the box. so I could see all the goings on in Tramore. Outside school at three o’clock is really a very busy place with cars, buses and bikes heading in all directions. We didn’t go home for a while because Adam and his family had to put two old school desks in the car. New furniture arrived in the school to day and Mr. Prenter was giving away some of the old furniture to anybody who wanted an old school table for their kids room. There wasn’t much room in the car with all the tables but we squeezed in somehow. We went home and Adam introduced me to his friend, who was also called Adam. This I found confusing as every time I called Adam both came running together .We went to play hurling and Adam thought he would ask his brother, Richard to make me a little hurley about three inches long. This was nice of him, as most of the hurleys were too big for me. At last I was going to have a real hurley of my own. Most hurleys are made of ash but mine was old boxwood, but I didn’t mind.
Back home we went for chips, beans and burgers. His mother gave me a dinner but Adam ate it before I could even touch it. I did not come in when I was called as I was playing with my new hurley out the back and Adam thought I wasn’t hungry so he ate my dinner as well. When I came in I gave out to him saying that I was sorry for not coming in when I was called but I was having so much fun I forgot about he time. I learnt my lesson because I will come the next time I am called. Next we went off to cubs. The cub leader said they were too busy to look at me so I had to stay in my box and just listen to the fun they were having. I wishe dI could have joined in but, when you are small you just have to do what you are told.

Back home to hurley making in the garage. There was still a bit of work to do on the new hurley, as it still was a bit too heavy. So, Richard went back out to the garage to but the finishing touches to his masterpiece. All of a sudden there was a scream and blood was gushing everywhere. Richard had cut his finger with the Stanley knife.  I fainted when I was all this blood and when I woke up the hurley was finished. It was such a busy evening that they forgot all about me and I had to sleep in the garage. I was very cold and lonely all night, out they’re all on my own, but us moose’s are tough. I did not sleep very well, as I kept having bad dreams. I kept dreaming that Adams pet rats escaped and were looking for me. It was cold and lonely on my own in the garage. I felt so lonely and unloved. 

I gave out stink to Adam the following morning for treating a visitor in such a manner. First he ate my dinner and then to leave me all on my own in a cold dark garage was unforgivable. In the morning Adam gave me a great big hug and said he was sorry for leaving me there all night. He said his family were up in a heap at the moment, as they had only moved house and things were not settled and when his brother cut his finger and the blood was going everywhere, that they all forgot about me. I wanted to have a lie in as I was so tired but Adam had to bring me back to school. I told Adam I was hungry so he made me a big breakfast of cereal, toast and tea. At quarter to nine he put me back in my box and we headed for school. I had a great sleep in school as the boys were working. They all stayed very quiet because I told them about what had happened in Adam’s house. I liked visiting Adams house but I am glad those rats did not escape.

Adam Schneider
