Environmental Stories 1 and 2 |
The Mallard Duck
The Mallard duck and ducklings live in the pond at the back of the school. They are brown. The ducks eat all different things like tadpoles, weeds and bread. They also put their heads under the water and eat things from the bottom of the pond. The mother duck leads the small ones up the pond. They were very hungry because they ate all the bread we gave them. We went to see them a good few times. They are all lovely ducks and ducklings. There are nine babies altogether. I hope to go back to see them soon.
By Alana.
Mallard drakes have a shiny deep green neck with a white collar. Mallard ducks usually feed on insects, small fish, tadpoles, fresh water snails and when they are on land they feed on grain. The ducks can lay up to eight to fifteen greenish white eggs. Twenty four hours after hatching the ducklings can swim. Realt na Mara third class are now doing a project on the newborn ducklings. We go out to feed the ducklings and to draw pictures and to write about them. Sometimes they come out of the water but not very often when we are there. We are enjoying the project. Next week the school is going to be on holidays and the ducklings will have to find food for themselves. I wonder what will happen them over the summer.
By Leanne
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