Dr Cheryl Amundsen began as Associate Professor in the Faculty
of Education at Simon Fraser University this past Fall (1998). For the past ten years, she has been on faculty at McGill University, jointly appointed to the Centre for University Teaching and
Learning (CUTL) and the Department of Educational Psychology. Her interest in teaching development and instructional technology is tightly interwoven with the focus of her research and scholarly
activities. She is a member of two research teams with colleagues at McGill University and Concordia University, both in Montreal. One research program focuses on how university professors
develop pedagogical knowledge in relationship to their subject matter, how they come to understand teaching, how they make instructional decisions. Complementing this focus, the second program investigates the
instructional use of various technologies from the perspective of both learner and instructor. Both programs are and have been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada. Dr. Amundsen teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in instructional psychology, educat ional technology and educational
research and serves on a number of committees concerned with policy issues in university teaching
Grants Awarded
1997-2000Evaluating teaching for the purpose of improvement. (SSHRC, $60,000) (A. Saroyan, C. Amundsen).
1996-1999The quality of postsecondary learning and teaching: Fostering higher order learning. (FCAR Québec, $189,000) (J. Donald, C. Amundsen, L. McAlpine,
A. Saroyan, C. Weston).
1994-1997Post secondary students' conceptualizations of learning and the effect of direct interventions on them. (SSHRC, $141,000) (J. Donald, A. Saroyan, C.
1994-1999Designing learning environments in distance education: The
relationship between instructional strategies and technologies and course content . (SSHRC, $117,000) (R. Bernard, Concordia University, C. Amundsen, P. Abrami, Concordia University).
1993-1996Pedagogical knowledge acquisition in higher education (FCAR Québec,
$95,000) (J. Donald, A. Saroyan, C. Amundsen, C. Weston, L. McAlpine).
1991-1994The quality of learning in post secondary education.
(SSHRC, $124,000) (J. Donald, C. Amundsen, A. Saroyan).
1991-1994The development and validation of a model of learning success in distance education. (SSHRC, $81,000)
(R. Bernard, C. Amundsen).
1990-1993An investigation of the instructional role of communication technologies in distance education. (FCAR Québec, $54,000) (C. Amundsen).
Manuscripts submitted or in preparation
Bures, M., Abrami, P., & Amundsen, C. (submitted). Motivation to learn via computer conferencing.
Saroyan, A., & Amundsen, C. (in preparation). A model of teaching competence and growth in higher education.
Barise, A., & Amundsen, C. (in preparation). Case-based instruction in the training of social workers: A critical review of the literature.
Amundsen, C., & Saroyan, A. (in preparation). The development of decision making in teaching: Two case studies of Engineering faculty.
Peer reviewed manuscripts published or in press
Saroyan, A., Amundsen, C., & Cao Li (1997). Exploring the effectiveness of a theory based faculty development program. To Improve the Academy, 16, 93-116.
Amundsen, C., Saroyan, A., & Frankman, M. (1996). Changing methods and metaphors: A case study of growth in university teaching. Journal of Excellence in
College Teaching, 7(3),3-42.
Bernard, R. M., Amundsen, C., & Abrami, P.C. (1995). Designing learning
environments in distance education: A six year programme of research. In D. Sewart (Ed.), One world many voices: Selected papers from the 17th World Conference for Distance Education (pp. 233-236). UK: The Open University Press.
Saroyan, A., & Amundsen, C. (1995). The systematic design and implementation of a program for teaching assistants. Canadian Journal of Higher Education,25(1),
Amundsen, C., Gryspeerdt, D., & Moxness, K. (1993). Practice-centered inquiry: Developing more effective teaching in higher education. Review of Higher
Education,16(3), 329-353.
Books and Chapters
Amundsen, C. (1993). The Evolution of Theory in Distance Education. In Keegan, D. (Ed.), Theoretical Principles of Distance Education (pp. 61-79). London: Routledge.
Conference Proceedings
Saroyan, A., & Amundsen, C. (1995). Understanding the task of teaching and learning. Challenges and transformations: Post secondary education in Canada (pp. 57-60).Proceedings of the 25th annual conference of the Canadian Society for
the Study of Higher Education,Montreal.
Amundsen, C., Gryspeerdt, D., & Moxness, K. (1995). Using current models of
teaching development to design and evaluate instructional interventions.Challenges and transformations: Post secondary education in Canada (pp. 88-91).
Proceedings of the 25th annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Montreal.
Invited Reviews
Amundsen, C. (1996). (Review of the book Faculty at work: Motivation, expectation, satisfaction). Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 26(1), 144-148.
Reviewer - Journals and Books
1994-1998Distance Education
1994-1996To Improve the Academy
1989-1995Canadian Journal of Educational Communication
1993Invited pre-publication reviewer of Open Learning Courses for Adults, published by Educational Technology Publications
Amundsen, C., Goldschmidt, M., & Gillespie, F. (1997, October). Integrating
instruction and technology: A faculty development perspective. Presentation to the annual conference of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD), Haines City, Florida.
Saroyan, A., & Amundsen, C. (1997, June). A model of pedagogical growth and the evauation of teaching. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian
Society for Studies in Higher Education (CSSHE), St. John's, Newfoundland.
Amundsen, C., & Weston, C. (1996, June). Centralized vs. decentralized faculty development: What are the issues? Interactive presentation to the annual
conference of the Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), Ottawa.
Bernard, H., Amundsen, C., Murray, H., & Prégent, R. (1996, June). Courses which prepare graduate students for university teaching. Roundtable discussion at the
annual conference of the Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), Ottawa.
Saroyan, A., & Amundsen, C. (1996, April). Ongoing dialogue with new professors
on their views and actions related to teaching and learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York.
Gryspeerdt, D., & Amundsen, C. (1996, April). Learning how to teach in higher education: Two Case Studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York.
Amundsen, C., Gryspeerdt, D., & Moxness, K. (1995, October).Navigating the uncharted waters of the current literature on teacher growth. Presentation to the
annual conference of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD), Cape Cod.
Bernard, R., Amundsen, C., Abrami, P.C. (1995, June).Designing learning environments in distance education: A six year programme of research. Paper
presented to the Seventeenth International Conference of Distance Education (ICDE), Birmingham, U.K.
Amundsen, C., Gryspeerdt, D., & Moxness, K. (1995, May).Using current models of
teaching development to design and evaluate instructional interventions. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education (CSSHE), Montreal.
Saroyan, A. (Chair), Aulls, M., Amundsen, C., Donald, J., McAlpine, L., & Weston, A. (1995, May).Understanding the task of teaching and learning. Symposium
presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education (CSSHE), Montréal.
Amundsen, C. (1994, June). Reflective, subject matter-based teaching improvement programs: A planned guide for faculty developers. Presentation to the
annual conference of the Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), Vancouver.
Amundsen, C., & Bernard, R. (1994, May). Designing learning environments in distance education: A program of research. Presentation to the bi-annual
conference of the Canadian Association of Distance Educators (CADE), Vancouver.
Amundsen, C., & Saroyan, A. (1994, April). A cognitive approach to faculty development. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans.
Weston, C., Saroyan, A., & Amundsen, C. (1994, April). University teaching: Taking a role in the development of policy. Paper presented to the International Conference
on Higher Education. Université de Montréal.
Saroyan, A., & Amundsen, C. (1994, April). Focusing on the instructional process to promote change in teaching. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans.
Saroyan, A., & Amundsen, C. (1993, November). Pedagogical training for graduate students. Paper presented at the annual conference on the Teaching and
Employment of Graduate Teaching Assistants, Chicago.
Amundsen, C. (1993, June).Planning, promoting and evaluating a course development workshop for experienced faculty. Presentation to the annual
conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), Winnipeg.
Amundsen, C., & Saroyan, A. (1993, April).Toward more effective teaching in higher education: A case study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (AERA), Atlanta.
Amundsen, C. (1998, August). Teaching and learning: Two sides of the same coin.
Keynote speaker at the Annual UPEI Teaching Symposium. University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottown, Prince Edward Island.
Amundsen, C. (1997, September). Changing the way we teach. Keynote speaker at
the Symposium on Innovative Teaching, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia.
Amundsen, C. (1996, March). Applications of educational technology thinking in classroom instruction. Keynote speaker at the 4th Student Symposium, Concordia
University, Montreal.