Rory McGreal
C. Amundsen
M. Delling
H. Fritsch
K. Harry
D. Keegan
T. Leath
R. McGreal
E. Nardi
M. Paulsen
O. Peters
T. Rekkedal
R. Steele
B. Vertecchi

Rory McGreal is presently the executive director of TeleEducation New Brunswick, a province-wide distance education and training network. As the principal leader of the TeleCampus initiative, he is responsible for creating an on line Virtual Campus with courses available on the World Wide Web. With the support of Industry Canada and other sponsors, his team has created a comprehensive online database of more than 7 000 courses.

Previously, he was responsible for the expansion of Contact North (a distance education network in Northern Ontario) into the high schools of the region. Rory has worked in Canada as a teacher and teacher representative and abroad in the Seychelles, the Middle East and Europe in various capacities as a teacher, ESL technological training co-ordinator, instructional designer, language and computer laboratory co-ordinator, and educational advisor.

Rory served on the provincial Task Force on the Information Highway and on the federal Learning and Training Working Group for the Information Highway Advisory Committee. Presently he is on the Executive Board of the TeleLearning Research Network and on the Education Committee for CANARIE Inc. He is working on a PhD in Computer Technology in Education at a distance.


1992 Doctoral candidate in Ph. D program at the Centre for Computer and Information Sciences, NOVA Southeastern U (Computing Technology in Education).

1983-1985 Cours (3) les ordinateurs et la formation TéléUniversité‚ du Québec

1983-1984 Master of Arts (Applied Ling-TESOL)) - specializing in Instructional Design & Computer Education), Concordia University, Montreal

1980-1981 Certificat: Français pour les non-francophones, Université Laval, Québec

1977-1980 Certificate in ESL Teaching, McGill

1977 Certificate in Russian for Teachers, Pushkin Inst., Moscow, USSR

1976-1977 Master of Arts (History) -incomplete, Dalhousie, Halifax

1975-1976 Bachelor of Education (Language Teaching) Dalhousie

1973-1975 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Russian & History, McGill

1972-1973 First Year at Waterloo University as a mature student


Special Experience (ongoing)

Sino-Canada Virtual Campus project to deliver courses starting with ESL online throughout China.

Partner with NBCC Edmundston to delivering fast-food chef training by DE to France.

Partner with a private sector company, the University of New Brunswick and SchoolNet in the Royal Bank - Government of Trinidad project for Distance Education for teacher upgrading.

Distance Education project with the government of the Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Project leader in a program for teacher training through distance education with Technikon University.

La programme bureautique. A WWW delivered program in office technology for delivery in Vietnam and now Africa under CIDA in both French and English.

Directeur, CIDIF (le Centre international pour le développement de l'inforoute en français)

Member of the Education Committee for CANARIE (Canadian Network for Advanced Research for Industry and Education) & the TAD evaluation committee for educational projects

Executive Board of the TeleLearning Research Network - National Centres of Excellence

Project Manager: On-line Course Database Project to create a one-stop shopping WWW site for students wishing to study on line using EduCAUSE Instructional Management System standards

Advisory Committee of the Office of Learning Technologies

NB Information Technology Council

Atlantic Association of Universities Distance Education Committee

Board of Directors of the International Nursing Institute of Canada

Distance Education Advisory Board for the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Atlantic Region)

New Brunswick-PEI Network on Computing Services (observer)

Nova Scotia Distance Education Committee (observer)

Special Experience (Past)Project Manager East-West Group - a four province consortium to put a multimedia bilingual course in Information Technology on the Internet. [] (1997)

Organizing Committee of the World Conference on Lifelong Learning, Ottawa, May, 1997.

Georgia-NB Committee on the Information Highway (1994 -1995)

Atlantic Premiers and New England Governors Information Highway Committee (1993 -1995)

Atlantic Premiers' Committee on Information Technology in Education (1994)

Comité‚ aviseur - le College des Grands Lacs (1994 - 1996)

Canada-European Union Forum on Advanced Technologies in Education.

TeleEducation NB WWW site the world's first Distance Learning WWW site.

Learning and Training Working Group Information Highway Advisory Council (IHAC) of Canada

Member of the NB Premier's special task force on the IH (1993-1994)


Association for the Advancement of Computing in EducationCanadian Association of Distance EducationInternational Council of Distance Education

UNESCO Distance Education Specialists group

United States Distance Learning Association


Refereed Journals

American Journal of Distance Education reviewer

Journal of Interpersonal Computing and Technology reviewer

Information Technology and Telecommunications: A Course on the World Wide Web. Journal of Distance Education, XIII (1), 1998

A Basis for a Heterogeneous Distributed Database System for Distance Education Networks. American Journal of Distance Education, 9,1 Spring, 1995

TeleEducation NB: A Distributed Organizational Model for Multimedia Distance Education. Proceedings of the Orlando Multimedia '95 Conference, Orlando, FL, February 1995.

A Comparison of Attitudes of Learners Taking Audiographic Teleconferencing Courses in Secondary Schools in Northern Ontario. InterPersonal Computing and Technology Journal, 2 (4), 1994.

Distance Education Futures. Book review. Journal of Distance Education, IX (1), Spring, 1994.

TeleEducation NB driving the electronic highway (with Len Weeks) Glosas News, 4,1, January, 1994.

The New Brunswick Net: The 21st Century NOW. InterPersonal Computing and Technology Journal, 2 (1), January 1994.

Pedagogical Screen Design Principles for Graphics in Teleconferencing, Ed Journal, 8 (2), February, 1994.

The SCAN Project: Bringing Educational Programmes to Native Students on the James Bay coast, Distance Education, 5 (2) 1992.

Compact Discs for Multimedia Education, OUTPUT, Educational Computing Organization of Ontario, Fall, 1992.

Organizational Problems in Bringing Distance Education to Northern Ontario Secondary Schools, (with B. Simand) American Journal of Distance Education, Spring, 1992.

Electronic Site Tours: Museums and other Cultural Institutions visit Northern Ontario electronically (with others), Journal of Distance Education, VII (1), Spring, 1992.

Book Chapters, Reports & Manuals

The TeleEducation NB Programme Development Fund 1992 –1997.

The Internet: A Learning Environment in Design, Delivery and Evaluation of Distance Learning Programs. T. Cyrs (Ed.). 1998. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Restructuring Education and the Information Highway in Wired Together vol. 1. Z.Berge & M. Collins (Eds.) (1998) Creskill, NJ: Hampton.

Proposal for Planning, Development, and Delivery of the TeleCampus On-line Course Database. June, 1997

The New Brunswick Virtual Campus. Report, October, 1996.

Learning on the Web 1998: An Instructors Manual. (With others) URL December, 1997.

Learning on the Web 1996: An Instructors Manual & Parents Guide. (With others) URL December, 1996.

The World Wide Web, the Information Highway, the Community College and Future Directions. Report January 1995.

The TeleEducation NB Instructor's Manual. (with others), TeleEducation NB, Fredericton, NB, 1995

TeleEducation NB Report 1994, Government of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, May, 1994. ERIC DOCUMENT No. ED 372 750.

The New Brunswick Distance Education Network STRATEGIC PLAN, Fredericton, 1993.

A Handbook for Distance Education Teachers (chief author), Contact North, 1993.

Recommendations on Distance Education to the Northern Education Project of the Ontario Ministry of Education. (with others) (1992) ERIC DOCUMENT No. ED 353 974.

Bridging the Distance: A Report on Three Distance Education Conferences in Northern Ontario (with others), (1992), ERIC DOCUMENT No.

Other articles

TeleEducation NB: Developing a Provincial Learning Industry. The T.H.E. Journal, January 1998.

The Establishment of a Virtual Campus for the New Brunswick Community College. Educational Telecommunications 1996: Proceedings of Ed-Telecom 96 World Conference on Educational Telecommunications. Pp. 197-202. Boston, June, 1996

The World Wide Web for Trainers, The Training Technology Monitor. 3,3. December, 1995

Canadian Province Utilizes Distance Learning in New `Knowledge Economy'. ED at a distance, 9,1, January, 1995.

TeleEducation NB: SMART software sharing in a multi-point environment. Open Praxis: The Bulletin of the International Council of Distance Education. 2, 1994.

TeleEducation NB: The College Sector 1993-1994 in Colleges Reaching Out: Report on the Status of Distance Education in Canadian Colleges and Technical Institutes, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, 1994.

Distance Education of Teachers in Canada in An International Survey of Distance Education and Teacher Training: From Smoke Signals to Satellites. 1993. A Report produced for the Innovation and Development Sub-Committee of the International Council for Educational Media. Editors: Peter Farkas, Richard Cornell, Charles Saar, Jeff Armstrong.

Course Enhancement for Distance Education in Secondary Schools, Open Praxis. 1 (1), Fall, 1993.

Exemplary Programs in Canadian Secondary School Distance Education, DEOS News: Online Journal of Distance Education, 3 (8), 1993.

Creating Distance Education Instructional Materials for Use by Ordinary Teachers. (1991) ERIC DOCUMENT No. ED 342 378

SYSTEM: English for Computer Science -an ESP text for technology students. Bahrain (with D. Baker), 1989.

Coping with large classes, The English Language Teaching Forum, January, 1989.

CAI- Non-human but not inhuman, The ELT Forum, July, 1988.

Word-Processing and the teaching of writing in ESL, The ELT Forum, July, 1986.

Multimedia Presentations (Available at

Recent Conference & Workshop Presentations

TeleEducation NB and the TeleCampus, Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission Conference, Moncton, November, 1998.

Business approaches to distribued learning. TeleLearning Research Network –NCE, Vancouver, November, 1998

The TeleCampus online course database. WebNet '98, Orlando, November, 1998

The TeleCampus online course database. NAWeb '98, Fredericton, NB, October, 1998

The New Brunswick approach to distributed learning. Nortel Symposium on Learning Technologies, Toronto, September, 1998

Technology mediated learning. Annual Meeting of Academic Vice Presidents of Canadian Universities, August, 1998

The East-West course development standards workshop. Canadian Association for Distance Education Conference, Banff, Alberta, May 1998TeleEducation NB and economic development CEBITT 98, Hanover, Germany, March 1998

Web-Based Learning (by videoconference) Kawartha Workshop: Designing Technology-Based Learning Fleming College, Peterborough, Ontario, March 1998

Building a Virtual Campus Rochester Community College, Rochester, MN, March 1998

New Brunswick and TeleEducation NB LEARNTEC 98, Toronto Ontario, March 1998

Distance Education and Economic Development LearTec '98, Karlsruhe, Germany

Online Course Database TeleLearning Research Network Conference, Toronto, November, 1997

Web-based environments WebNet 97, Toronto, November, 1997

TeleCampus and the Database Project NAWeb 97, Fredericton, NB, October, 1998

Promoting Learning on the World Wide Web. Revenue Canada Trainers Workshop, Ottawa, ON, July 1997.

Course Development for the World Wide Web. United States Air Force Workshop on Distance Learning, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH. July, 1997

Using Distributed Distance Learning for Economic Development The World Bank Global Learning Conference, Toronto, June 1997.

The East-West Project: Interprovincial collaboration to Create a World Wide Web Course in Information Technology. International Council of Distance Education Conference. State College, PA, June, 1997.

TeleEducation NB: The New Brunswick Model for Distributed Learning Second Global Conference on Lifelong Learning, Ottawa, May, 1997.

Distance Learning and Educational Change - Eastern Ontario Supervisors and Principals Workshops Windsor and Sarnia, ON, November, 1996

The New Brunswick Virtual Campus WebNet96, San Francisco by audiographic teleconference.

The WWW Developments in New Brunswick 10th Distance Education Conference, Augusta, Maine, September 1996

Learning on the World Wide Web International Council of Distance Education Conference, Moscow, Russia, July 1996

The Future of Distance Education Canadian Association of Distance Education Conference, Moncton, NB. May, 1996.

TeleEducation NB: Distance Education for Economic Development, AMTEC 95, Guelph, ON. May, 1995. (Delivered by Teleconference)

TeleEducation NB: A Distributed Organizational Model for Multimedia Distance Education. Reaching for Success: Conference Board of Canada's 6th National Conference on Business and Education Collaboration. Saint John NB. May, 1995.

Distance Education Today and Tomorrow. PEI Distance Education Forum. Charlottetown, PEI, May, 1995.

Future Directions for NB, LearnTec95, Miramichi, May, 1995.

TeleEducation NB & the Information Highway, Information Highway Symposium, Videoconference with Winnipeg, March 1995.

Medical Sites on the World Wide Web, Annual Meeting of Family Medicine Doctors of NB, Saint John, March, 1995

TeleEducation NB: A Distributed Distance Education Network Multimedia 95 SALT Conference, Orlando FL, February, 1995.

Economic Development for Native Canadians and Distance Education, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation Across the North Video Teleconference February 1995

TeleEducation NB: A Model Conference on Distance Education, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, October, 1994.

EDI and Regional Institutions Atlantic Regional Conference of University Admissions Officers and Guidance Counsellors, Fredericton, June 1994. Presentation on EDI and its relevance for Education in the Atlantic Region.

TeleEducation NB: The New Brunswick Approach Canadian Advanced Technology Association - Racing on the Electronic Highway, Toronto, May, 1994. Presentation on The New Brunswick experience in Distance Education.

TeleEducation NB: An Introduction, Canadian Association of Distance Education Conference, Vancouver, May, 1994. Report on the TeleEducation NB initiative.

Distance Education Networking in New Brunswick Learntec94- Miramichi, Chatham NB. Presentation on TeleEducation NB and computer teleconferencing.

TeleEducation and the Workplace, Workplace Learning, UNB, Fredericton, April, 1994. Presentation on Distance Education in the Workplace.

Distance Education for Workplace Literacy, Literacy in the Workplace, Fredericton, March, 1994. Presentation on Distance Education in the Workplace.

Research in Distance Education TeleLearning Research Network, Ottawa, February, 1994. Presentation on the importance of Distance Education in Canada.

SMART Teleconferencing in New Brunswick, Multimedia Communications '93, UBC, Vancouver, November 1993. Audiographic presentation on Multimedia Distance Education (with A. Miller, Mt. Allison U.)

Distance Learning in New Brunswick, LEARNTEC 93, Karlsruhe, Germany. November 4, 1993. Paper on TeleEducation NB was presented there (with Len Weeks).

Courseware in Distance Education New Brunswick Knowledge-Based Industries Conference, Fredericton, NB, October 2, 1993. Presentation on Distance Education and Program Development.

Audiographics in Secondary Schools: Audiographics Workshop. Halifax, June, 1993.Led a workshop on the implementation of audiographics in schools.

Recent Conference Participation

Interactive Multimedia, Washington DC, August, 1998

UNESCO Conference on Information Technology in Education, Moscow, Russia, July, 1996.

EducaTech95, Workshop for leaders in Education, Ottawa, March, 1995.

ICDE Presidents Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, October, 1994.