Morten Flate Paulsen is working with distance education and
computer-mediated communication as an Assistant Professor at NKI in Oslo, Norway. He designed the EKKO computer conferencing system and established the NKI Electronic
College. Mr. Paulsen has used computer conferencing for teaching since 1986 and has published a number of articles and reports about computer-mediated communication in distance education.
He established the Distance Education Online Symposium (DEOS) and he was editor of DEOSNEWS for two years. DEOSNEWS is probably
the most widely circulated international journal in the field of distance education. Mr. Paulsen worked with the American Centre for the Study of Distance Education
while studying for a doctoral degree in adult education at The Pennsylvania State University. Paulsen is working on the dissertation "Pedagogical Techniques for Computer-mediated Communication".
Paulsen established Norwaves and Norweave, two international e-mail services for friends of Norway.
International Board Memberships: • The International Federation of Information Processing, Technical Committee 3.6,
working group on distance education. • The European Association of Distance Teaching Universities' Working Group on Media, Methods, and Technology.
• The Advisory Board of the Online Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication.
Professional Engagements: • Engaged by OECD to write a report on Adult Learning and Technology in Norway.
• Engaged as Project Reviewer by the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General X111 for Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation Research. • Engaged as reviewer by the Danish CTU
• Producer of six tele-casted distance teaching programs for cable TV. One of the programs included an interview with William Gates Jr. CEO of Microsoft Inc.
• Awarded a prize as Best Presentation among 200 presentations at the Nordic NordData Conference, Copenhagen 1989. • Member of the Advisory Committee for the international • TeleTeaching 93 conference
• Initiator, and member of the program committee, of the international datacommunication conference INDC-90.
Some Publications in English
Paulsen, M.F. 1987/1988. In search of a virtual school. T.H.E. Journal (Dec./Jan.):71-76.
Paulsen, M.F. and T. Rekkedal. 1988. Computer conferencing: A breakthrough in
distance learning or just another technological gadget? In Proceedings of The World Conference of the International Council for Distance Education, 362-365. Oslo, Norway: International Council for Distance Education.
Rekkedal, T. and M.F. Paulsen. 1989. Computer conferencing in distance education: Status and trends. European Journal of Education 24(1): 61-72.
Paulsen, M.F. 1989. EKKO: A virtual school. In Mindweave: Communication,
Computers, and Distance Education, eds. R. Mason and A. Kaye, 201-7. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Paulsen, M.F. and T. Rekkedal. 1989. Experiences with the EKKO computer-conferencing system at NKI. Epistolodiadaktika, the European Journal of
Distance Education 1989(1):66-76.
Paulsen, M.F. 1990. Organising and electronic college. In Proceedings of the Third Guelph Symposium on Computer Conferenceing.
Paulsen M. F. and T. Rekkedal. 1990. The Electronic College: Selected Articles from
the EKKO project. Bekkestua, Norway: NKI Forlaget. pages:131.
Paulsen, M.F. 1990. EKKO: experiences. In Media and technology in European distance education, ed. A. W. Bates.
Paulsen, M. F. and P. W. Pinder. 1990. Workshop Report. Research in Distance
Education: Setting a Global Agenda for the Nineties. The American Journal of Distance Education 4(3):83-84.
Paulsen, M.F. 1991 The ICDL Database for Distance education. The American Journal of Distance Education 5(2):69-72.
Paulsen, M. F. 1992. A goal-oriented method for establishing and electronic college.
In Impact of Informatics on the Organisation of Education, eds B. Samways and T. J. van Weert, 113-118. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Paulsen, M. F. 1992. Innovative uses of computer conferencing. Telecommunications in Education News 3(3):4-5.
Paulsen, M. F. 1992. Recommended reading. CAUSE/EFFECT 15(2):53-55.
Paulsen, M. F. 1992. From Bulletin Boards to Electronic Universities: Distance
Education, Computer-mediated Communication, and Online Education. 1992. University Park, Pennsylvania: The American Centre for the Study of Distance Education. Pages:67.
Paulsen, M. F. B. Barros, P. Busch, B. Compostela, and M. Quesnel. In Press. A
pedagogical framework for CMC programs: A work group report. In Collaborative Dialogue Technologies in Distance Learning. ed. M. F. Verdejo. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Paulsen, M. F. and T. Rekkedal. In press. Technology for Adult Learning in Norway
including a case study on the NKI Electronic college. In Adult Learning and Technology in OECD Countries.
Paulsen, M. F. 1995. The online report on Pedagogical Techniques for computer-mediated communication. Internet:
Paulsen, M. F. 1995. The NKI Open Electronic College. In One World Many Voices,
Quality in Open and Distance Learning, Volume 2, ed. D. Sewart. UK: Open University.