Torstein Rekkedal
C. Amundsen
M. Delling
H. Fritsch
K. Harry
D. Keegan
T. Leath
R. McGreal
E. Nardi
M. Paulsen
O. Peters
T. Rekkedal
R. Steele
B. Vertecchi

1972: University of Oslo, Institute of Educational Research, final University Degree in Education, Canada. Paed.

1972-1977: Director and responsible for NKI's research and product/programme development (1972-1992 for the whole NKI group, from 1993 for NKI Distance Education).

The research interest and activities have mainly concerned distance education, student support, media, technology and evaluation. Have carried out several research projects in NKI projects, see publication list.

Academic honorary functions:
Since 1974 chair or member of several national and international academic and research committees (Chair and member of research committees of the Centre for Distance Education, Norway, The research committees of European Home study Council, the Association of European Correspondence Schools and International Council for Distance Education, The Steering committee for Network of Academics and Professional of EDEN). Member of editorial board of Epostolodidaktika - The European Journal for Distance Education, Distance Education, The European Journal of Open and Distance Learning. Editor of ANDREA (A newsletter for Distance Educators reporting on European Activities). Member of Conference Committees and Programme Committees for several national and international conferences in Open and Distance Learning.

Publications, books, monographs and research reports in English.

1985: Course for Tutors. The Diploma in Correspondence Education. London: EHSC. (co-author J. A. Baaath, 2nd ed. AECS, 1988). Translated to Dutch 1989.

1972: Correspondence Studies. Recruitment, Achievement and Discontinuation. NKI.

1975: National Report about Distance Education in Norway. Commissioned by Bundesinstitut fur Berufsbildungforschung. Berlin.

1981: Introducing the Personal Tutor/Counsellor in the System of Distance Education Project report 1: Experiment Description. NKI.

1985: Introducing the Personal Tutor/Counsellor in the System of Distance Education. Project report 2: Final Report. NKI.

1989: The Telephone as a Medium for Instruction and Guidance In Distance Education. Report from an experiment carried out at NKI, Norway. NKI.

1990: The Electronic College. Selected papers from the EKKO Project. NKI. (co-author Paulsen).

1994: Submission Density and Assignment Workload Revisited. NKI. (co-author Blakstad).

1996: Technology for Adult Learning in Norway - Including a case Study on the NKI Electronic College. Report for the OECD CERI study B6 - New Delivery Systems and Changing Demand on Education (co-author Paulsen).

1997: The Tutor in Distance Education. Course for Tutors, AECS Diploma Programme. London: AECS (in print, also German translated version in print).

Journal Articles on research in ODL in English:

1972: Correspondence Studies, Recruitment, Achievement and Discontinuation. London: Epistolodidaktika, 1972:2, 3-38

1977: Research in the Field of Correspondence Education NKI, Norway. International Council for Correspondence Education. ICCE Newsletter, Volume 7, No 1, 2-10.

1981: Introducing the Personal Tutor/Councellor in Distance Education 1. London: Epistolodidaktika, 1981:1, 30-35.

1983: The Written Assignments in Correspondence Education. Effects of Reducing Turn-around Time. Australia: Distance Education, Vol.4:2, 231-252.

1983: Enhancing student progress in Norway. The Open University: Teaching at a Distance, 23, 19-24.

1985: Introducing the Personal Tutor/Councellor in Distance Education 11. London: Epistolodidaktika, 1985:2, 61-80.

1986: The Tutor/Councellor in Norway. London: Open Learning, Vol.1:1, 46-48.

1989: Computer conferencing in distance education: status and trends. European Journal of Education, 24, 1, 61-72. (co-author Paulsen).

1989: The AECS Survey. Epostolodidaktika, 1989-1, pp. 8-17 (co-authors V.D. Mark, D & Lampikoski).

1989: Experiences with the EKKO computer conferenceing system. Epostolodidaktika, 1989-1, pp. 66-67 (med Paulsen).

1991: Evaluation Concepts and Practices at NKI. Epistolodidaktika, 1991-2, pp. 65-84.

1991: Distance Education in Norway. DEUSTrainNet, 6, Apr. pp. 8-10.

1993: Research in distance education in Norway. Open Learning, Vol. 8, 1. 1993.

1993: Research and Development work to increase completion rates in distance education. Epistolodidaktika, 1993, 1, 41-58.

Contributions in other academic publications: (* = published conference-papers)

1982: The Drop-out Problem and What to Do about It. 1 J.S. Daniel et al. Learning at a Distance. A World Perspective. Athabasca, 118-121.*

1983: Research and development in the field of distance study at NKI-skolen, Norway. 1 Sewart et al. Distance Education International Perspectives. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 211-220.

1988: The Nade media and technology project. New ways of supporting distance learners in Norway. (med Blorn & Krane). l Sewart, D& Daniel, J. S.: Developing Distance Education. Oslo, ICDE, 116-120.*