Ted Leath is currently a Senior Computing Officer for the
University of Ulster, Magee College, where he has been since 1985.
Ted was formerly Executive Producer - Educational Products Division at Vision House Publishers in California where he worked for over 5 years producing books, cassettes and
multimedia packages with some of America's best-selling authors and speakers.
Ted left the publishing business in 1982 to enter the world of computing as a programmer/analyst, and has been working in further and higher education since 1983.
Educational Qualifications and Professional Associations
MSc Computing and Design University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
Postgraduate Diploma in Computing and Design University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
Certificate in Business Information Systems Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California
Advisory Board Member, ICDERA (Irish Centre for Distance Education Research and Applications)
Member of The Educational Media Association of Ireland (EMAI)
Current interests and responsibilities include; technology for distance education, multimedia production, interactive systems, distributed systems, videoconferencing,
video distribution and all aspects of digital media.
Selected Talks, Publications and Conference Papers
'Building Community Memory through On-line Technology', MSc thesis, 2000
Technology and Story Telling: Community Memory, Bunbeg, Ireland, 21-23 September 1999, 'Enabling Community Archives through Technology'
FAS (Irish government training and education agency) - Using the Internet in Training and Education, Dublin, Ireland, 19th October, 1998, 'Learning on the Web - Practical Experiences'
European Lifelong Learning and the Information Society, Dublin, Ireland, 9th - 11th September, 1996, 'Big Ideas (in a shrinking world)'
EMAI Colloquy Report - Education and the Information Highway, Londonderry, N. Ireland, 29th and 30th of June, 1995, 'Interactive Use of the WWW in Face-to-Face Teaching'
EMAI - The Uses of New Technologies in Education and Training, Dublin, Ireland, 19th December, 1995, 'The Uses of ISDN Videoconferencing' and 'Distributed Multimedia: Building Materials from Remote Sites'
EMAI Newsletter, Volume 2, Number 2, 1994, 'Distance Learning and Videoconferencing at the University of Ulster'
DECUS Europe Symposium, The Hague, Holland, 9th - 13th September, 1991, 'A Client/Server Database System'
Hospital Physicists' Association - Developments in Medical Databases, Hull, England, 11th December, 1990 , 'The Belfast Orthopaedic Information System'
Consultant and Presenter, Developing Information and Communications Technology Expertise for Micro SMEs (DICE) International Fund for Ireland (IFI)
Technical advisor and project committee member, NIVT Project European Social Fund (ESF) - Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation
Consultant and Presenter, Business Development throught the Internet and Information Technologies (BITE) INTERREG Maritime
Partner, Communication for the New Millennium INTERREG II Human Resources Development Programme
Partner, JISC Image Digitisation Initiative (JIDI) Special project for the Joint Information Systems Council (JISC)
Curriculum developer and satellite broadcast presenter, Changing the Culture ESF, Irish Higher Education Authority (HEA)
Systems Analyst, The Belfast Orthopaedic Information System Eastern Health and Social Services Board (EHSSB)
Research Areas Interactive Systems; Multimedia Systems; Distance Learning; Distributed Systems; World Wide Web, Digital Media.