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                  This year sees the introduction of the ACE AWARDS.

              These are presented at the end of each month to two students in the class who have excelled in any of the following areas.



      Here  are our  award  winners  for  February. Our pupils have been working very hard to win these coveted awards.

       Please click on the images to enlarge them.

    acerm18.JPG (32819 bytes)     aceboland.JPG (37310 bytes)   acebronte.JPG (36920 bytes)   acefrost.JPG (34872 bytes)   aceheaney.JPG (34860 bytes)            

        Room  18                  Boland                Bronte                  Frost                    Heaney

    acehopkins.JPG (36789 bytes)   acekavanagh.JPG (31751 bytes)   acekeats.JPG (31319 bytes)   acenolan.JPG (31089 bytes)   aceyeats.JPG (32399 bytes)

        Hopkins              Kavanagh                 Keats                   Nolan                    Yeats


And  Here  are  our  award  winners  from  the  Limerick  City  Library  literary awards competition . Prizes  and  certificates were  presented  to  the  children  by  deputy mayor peter power. 

 librarywin2.JPG (36603 bytes)  librarywin3.JPG (37452 bytes)  librarywin4.JPG (33580 bytes)  librarywin5.JPG (31409 bytes)  librarywin1.JPG (33118 bytes)