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           In Senior Infants the teachers focus on building on the foundation, which has been laid down in Junior Infants. The children’s skills in reading are further developed and they are exposed to many different texts to increase their confidence in reading. We develop their understanding of number and their self-assurance in working on the different concepts of number. The children are encouraged to use the Irish language to communicate with each other at a level that is suitable to them.

            On a more creative level we endeavour to provide an opportunity for the children to explore different art techniques. Presently they are experiencing music through the use of percussion instruments with Ms Frances Shanahan. They are provided with ample opportunities to develop various skills.

             Children’s awareness of their environment and the need to care for it is paramount in all that they do. They are at all times encouraged and reminded of the importance of care, concern and respect for others.


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                                        Our  Senior  Infant  Classes