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                                                Second  Class                       

                        Second  classes will be looking forward to their  first Confession & their first Communion this year.They are currently enjoying the hurling skills which are part of this year's 2nd class programme and their new visits to the school library for some Independent reading.

                                                              newlibrary.JPG (43000 bytes)

For some pupils it is also a first introduction to the tin whistle. Towards the end of the year second classes will be attempting some joined writing !! 

They will also be receiving classes in Drama from Ms. Mary O  Sullivan. Ms. Paula Hackett is our choirmaster for Cantairi Ide.

                                                    PAULA.jpg (51945 bytes)


     What's  goin'  on  'ere  then ?

             A Selection of artwork from the second classes

             2nd.JPG (36960 bytes)    mannions.JPG (36448 bytes)   paulascandle.JPG (32395 bytes)  sheelagh2nd.JPG (32467 bytes)

            miriam1art.JPG (40942 bytes)       PAULAart1.JPG (23678 bytes)        PAULAart2.JPG (36516 bytes)     miriam2art.JPG (41494 bytes)