
Modern Language Pilot Project
Scoil Ide has been part of the Department of Education and Science Pilot
Project on Modern Languages since its inception. Spanish is taught to
our 5th and 6th Class pupils for one and
half-hours per week. Initially Toyo Serrano gave the instruction from
the University of Limerick who is a native of Colombia. This year
another Colombian Senor Jaime Parra gives the instruction. Madeline
Moran is the Dept. of Education Project Officer for Spanish and she is
in regular contact with the school. We chose Spanish as it is the next
most important world language after English and is spoken widely in
North and South America. The Dept. of Education is encouraging secondary
schools to broaden their base of language teaching.

English Reading
Over the past few years we have moved away from the class reader as a
means of teaching English reading in the senior school. Children now
work initially on sets of novels completing a novel every three weeks or
so. While reading the novels they complete comprehension work as well as
trying to understand the characters and the plot. Favourites so far this
year appear to be “Benny and Omar”, Waiting for Anya” and “The
Good Liar”. After one term of this the class works in smaller groups
on different novels such as “Goodnight Mr.Tom”.
Twenty sets of exercises are available on each of these novels so
the children do as many of these as they can essentially allowing them
to read at their own level. Research has shown that reading ability
increases in relation to the amount of reading done so we are happy that
although we always had a very high standard of reading in the school
that this will further enhance this. As well as working on the novels
classes from time to time work for short concentrated periods on the
Reading Laboratories known to the children as the “SRA”.
Process Writing;
All our Senior Classes are now engaged in what is known as process
writing where they are taught to write for different purposes and for
wider audiences. Writing is now seen as a process where you use the
technique known as webbing to prepare your ideas and the you write a
first draft. Children are taught to examine their writing for spelling
and grammatical errors. The final draft of their work is the one that is
presented for final grading by the teacher. The forms of writing taught
include the topics memorable moments, interesting people, fabulous
fables, intriguing investigations and persuasive print. Children’s
work is displayed in their classrooms, in the School Magazine and in the
“Look at our Writing” page on the website. We hope that the writing
that they do will be the first steps of another Maeve Binchey or Seamus
Student's Council;
The Scoil Ide Student’s Council was formed in 1999 and is
made up of two representatives from each of the 5th and 6th
Classes. The Representatives are elected at the start of the year and
are expected to be a good example to all. The Council meets fortnightly
and reviews its operations. The first project undertaken this school
year was the Concern “Change the World Project” The Council members
spoke to the classes about the project and asked them to bring in any
foreign coinage that they had at home. The Council is currently involved
in the daily judging of the Tidy Classroom Competition, organising the
school “Healthy Eating Day”, the Advent Services and are preparing
for the publication of a school magazine in February.

In the world we live in people can feel as if they are not
part of a community. By the work we do in the school through the
Student’s Council and in other areas like the gardens and the library
where children are given responsibility for their own school we hope to
deliberately foster a sense of belonging. Through the School Colour Day
in February where the 6th Class pupils speak on behalf of
various charities and then vote where the money goes we give them a
sense of how fortunate they are. Interest in local and environmental
affairs is encouraged through the Green Team and the 5th
Class public speaking competition, in which all the children
participate, is based on topical issues. We feel that the whole area of
Citizenship will become more and more important in schools.

Music :
Music is taught in every standard in the school but we make extra
provision in certain classes. Ms. Paula Hackett is the teacher
responsible for the development of music in the school. Mr. Tom
Cantillon of the Limerick School of Music teaches recorder to every
child in 3rd and 4th classes. Any interested child can then join the
Junior Ensemble, which practices once per week and performs twice
yearly. As children move up through the school we encourage them to go
to the School of Music for individual tuition or to join our Senior
Ensemble. Ms. Hackett is also Director of our School Choir, which is
made up of pupils from 5th and 6th Classes and
practises once per week. The Choir also performs regularly.

Young Writers;
Up until the launch of our website
our Young Writers were given the opportunity to show their talents
through the school newsletter. We are delighted now to give them the
chance to reach a wider audience. Maybe the work you read will be the
first public attempt of the next Seamus Heaney or Maeve Binchey.See our
writing !

School Chaplaincy:
Chaplaincy: We are especially proud of School Chaplaincy. Fr. Damian
Ryan and Fr. John Daly are the school chaplains and are regular visitors
to the classes where they work in conjunction with the Teaching Team in
encouraging the children towards a deeper understanding of their faith.
As well as assisting with the sacramental preparation they hold Advent
and Lenten Services for senior classes in which the vital part is the
participation of the children. All classes from 3rd Class up
attend the morning Mass at 9.45 a.m. in nearby St. Munchin’s College
Chapel once per month between November and Easter. Fr. Damian organises
pre-Confirmation Retreats for the 6th Classes.

Green Team :
part of the “Green Schools” Project run by An Taisce we have put in
place a Green Team made up of pupils, members of the Board of
Management, and local T.D. Jan O’Sullivan. Also part of the team is
well known local conservationist Pat Lysaght. The team meets regularly
to oversee how eco-friendly the school is and make suggestions for
suggestions for further improvements. The Green Team has been working on
waste reduction in school and a project involving feeding waste bread to
the ducks at the local wildfowl preserve. Members of the Green Team are
also involved in weeding and planting some of the flowerbeds in the
school. Ms. Brid Moran is
the teacher responsible for co-ordinating Green Team Activities.
Hunt Museum
Children regularly take part in the
education programme from the Hunt Museum. Recent visits have seen the
children participate in simulated archaeological digs and studies of
costumes, which the children were allowed to wear.
Art :
Conscious of preparing our 6th Class children for secondary
school each of the classes will be doing a ten week module on Art. The
classes are taught by Mr. Michael Connor, a secondary school art teacher
from nearby Ard Scoil Mhuire. The children have already worked with
still life drawing, clay and construction.
All classes in the school do PE but
with the aim of providing the widest possible education experience we
bring in a number of specialist PE Teachers. Classes are provided in
Hurling, Basketball, Irish Dancing, Swimming, and hockey on a rotating
Since September 2000 our I.T. Room in
the senior school has been in use. In addition to a stand alone PC in
every classroom we have 12 networked PC’s in the IT Room. Children
from the Senior School are taught basic IT skills by Mrs. Liz Griffin on
an 8 week rota. The Room is also equipped with Power Point Equipment,
TV, VCR, Videophone and video editing software.
Through the generosity of M.A.Ryan Electrical we were provided
with a digital video camera which is used for recording school events.
IT in the school is co-ordinated by Assistant Principal, Mr. Joe
O’Sullivan who is also webmaster for the school.