Look at our Writing !
Some writing from our senior classes and some entries from the write-a-book competition A review of T.V. programmes. The Simpsons is one of my favourite programmes. It was invented by Matt Groening ten years ago. He first made the programme to pay off debts but eventually started to enjoy it.. He came up with the names from his own family members such as his daughter Lisa. The very first episode was a Christmas one where Homer is broke and gives the family a dog as a present. Here is a brief summary of the characters. Lisa is an eight year old girl who is the best student in Springfield Elementary. She loves to study, always wants to attend plays and is constantly disappointed in Homer. Maggie is the Simpsons youngest child that hates to be parted from her mother. She has also shot Mr. Burns [ an old, grumpy, villainous billionaire ]. Bart is the complete opposite of Lisa. A ten year old who hates to study and is possibly the worst student in Springfield Elementary. Marge is an overly stressed mother who is always encouraging Homer to have a man to man talk with Bart. Homer is an overweight father whose favourite place is "Moe's". He works in a nuclear power plant and his boss Mr. Burns thinks he is a good for nothing. I think it is an excellent comedy for my age group and older. Try and catch an episode any night from 7.00 to 8.00 p.m.I'd give it ten out of ten !! EOGHAN Everybody just adores "Friends".Or at least everybody used to love friends. I am still enjoying the series but haven't they gone a little overboard on some aspects of the programme ? I would summarise the characters as follows. Rachel - a girl searching for the man of her dreams and now and then realising she may have already met him. Monica - Ross's sister who is kind-hearted but is a neatness freak! Ross - Another Geller who has been married twice, just loves studying dinosaurs and loves Rachel but things never seem to work out. Joey - the dumbest of the friends that we're all mad about. Phoebe - wacky and wild and often ends up giving the best advice to the others. Chandler - married Monica and is Joey's best mate. Chandler used to have a personality. Nobody could make him cry and he'd never do any girl stuff.But since he moved in with Monica he's been cleaning, doing dishes and crying a lot ! It's not a crime to help around the house but they've made him Mrs.Chandler! And of course you've heard about Ross and Rachel dating.They break up and come back together so many times I've lost count.I still like friends but little things like that can get on your nerves !! SARAH School is most definitely not a waste of your time! A lot of children would tell you they dislike school but when you come to think about it, it has a lot going for it. You might not realise it but you make lots of friends and receive all that knowledge, education and a future, something to help you achieve in life.For example take Stephen Hawkings, one of the smartest men alive despite his motor-neuron disease. Or Einstein - he certainly wouldn't have discovered all those scientific facts if he hadn't attended school. A child could be the next Leonardo Da Vinci but the child's school helps to develop all his talents. People my age also say it starts too early . But there is a saying " early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise ". It means exactly what it says - get your brain on a kind of jump-start. People who live in the country or outside an estate might not have too many friends if it weren't for schools.Home schooling is not such a good idea as of course your parents won't be there all your life and you need to get used to the ways that other people do things. During Penal times when classroom teaching was forbidden, children had to walk up to twenty miles to hedgeschools. They were usually barefoot and hungry but valued education enough to attend.Thank goodness we don't have to put ourselves through that these days. Even the teachers learn from the children. An education isn't just for school time. It stays with you all through life.I hope I've shown you it isn't a waste of time! Jenny
I C Y lots of memories I know I'll keep N I P P Y mostly good I must admit, T E R R I B L E All those hours I've had to sit E X C I T I N G I'm nearly there, just a while to go R A I N Y and then secondary school.......... By Darragh oh no .......oh no! Sinéad