First Class It is in first class that we begin our longer day with two lunch breaks !! We like to play games like "stuck in the mud", "tig", "cops & robbers", "candles" and "41"or "45".We really enjoy Lego, Marla, Barbies, Bingo, Jigsaws, Dinosaurs, Scrabble, Cowboys & Indians, Tanks & Soldiers and we love Prize day.In Maths we continue with tables for subtraction and move on to "carrying sums". Clocks are important and there is plenty of abacus work with tens & units. We have a recording copy for our nature work and there are lots of daffodils,crocus and tulips to be seen. We also take more nature walks and keep an eye on our bird tables. We have to get our notebooks signed and we do get more homework now that we are in 1st class !!! Among the children's favourites are ......... Gaeilge -- reading, games and rannta Alive-O -- C.D. stories Music -- songs and tin whistle P.E. -- Bean bags , Ball games, locomotion & benchwork Library Time -- "Bears so Tiny" books, poems, mime & drama Computers -- Jump Ahead & Orly's draw a story Our first classes enjoy drawing, painting, collage, colour, clay & all the special occasions.
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