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                                              Junior  Infants

                         We have just started our new English Reading scheme. We are meeting lots of new friends on   " Sunny Street". So far we've met Molly & Sam and we will soon be learning all about Jack & Lucy.  Frances Shanahan has recently started a percussion project with us which we are all enjoying. 

We are celebrating the arrival of Winter and there are some beautiful paintings to be seen of warm winter clothes.We continue to visit Letterland regularly and have met nearly all the characters by now, from Annie Apple to Zig Zag Zebra and all the ones in between of course !

Our writing is continuing to improve and we practise lots of patterns to help it improve even more !!

We have learned lots of lovely poems and songs from our Alive - O programme.

Our infants are growing up fast . Take a look at these.

finspuzz.JPG (41902 bytes)  maggiework.JPG (44653 bytes)  SIpuzzle.JPG (38680 bytes)  percussion.JPG (44068 bytes)  rm5houses.JPG (30520 bytes)

    Mariasleaf.JPG (38441 bytes)  anneart.JPG (33251 bytes)   cuties.JPG (37888 bytes) rm5potraits.JPG (25159 bytes)  rm3frogs.JPG (30020 bytes)