20th - 24th January- Week 9
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With the rain over the weekend, one now needs a good pair of "wellies" to have any hope of keeping clean on site!
At last, we have some idea of the scale of this building project. Cement mixers came and went all day as a large trench to take the foundations, was excavated.
A special "lean mix" is poured into the trenches first. This is then hammered down so that it forms a good base for the cement and together they will form the foundations of the school. A special machine is used to help press this mix down hard. You can just about see it in the background of the picture on the right.
Thursday 23rd January, and the 'lean mix' is still being delivered by cement mixer, raked level and then hammered down. It is hoped that this stage will be completed by the weekend and that the concrete foundation will be cast next week. After that, the 'brickies' will enter the scene and we should see some changes! When this point is reached, we will arrange to have a few classes visit the site, to get some idea of the work that goes into a building of this size. We can now walk around the foundations and try to work out where the different rooms downstairs will be.