9th - 13th June - Week 29
During the weekend, a giant crane appeared and started to hoist concrete blocks on to the next level. The picture on the left shows the completed floor of the Science/Art room. Just to the left of this, work has begun on the Computer Room and Library. The picture on the right shows one of the senior classrooms upstairs. They will have a great view from that window!
The steel on the left will strengthen
the higher wall of the hall and on the right, a view over the courtyard -
to be planted with speciman trees. If you have any suggestion as to species,
please let us know.
Finally, services are due to
start being connected from next Monday (16th), beginning with the plumbers and
if all goes according to plan, we look forward to seeing the roof go on in 3
- 5 weeks time.
Extra brickies are being employed to move the project on a little faster.
More next week - Week 30!
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